Lost Paradise
This lagoon is absolutely fascinating including a mile long reef with an abundance of various fish, a dazzling array of corals, free-swimming moray’s, sharks, tuna fish, turtles and a lot more … .
Alice in Wonderland
Plenty of hard corals growing like mushrooms, swarms of fusilier fish, mostly a slight current
Drift Point
Directly in front of the eastern entrance of the lagoon, perfect possibility for a drift dive in the current
. Lagoon
Huge, sourrounds the whole island; some lonely coral blocks, meadows of seaweed, endemic living coral fish, large population of turtles
Coral Fantasies
Several generations of table corals that grow beatuticul on top of each other, bis swarms of various fish.
Mauritius Point
Most fascinating coral garden, huge table corals, huge swarms of fish are the constant companion of the diver,
Mauritius Point was discovered in March 2007.
Manta Point
Dive spot between Agatti and the neighbouring island, flying fish, good possibility to have an encounter with manta rays.
Dolphin Point
Sandy patches that are regularly visited by schools of Dolphins, big lonely standing acroporas with dalmosellen and dascyllus
Main Jetty Point
Napoleon fish in all different sizes, schools of surgeon fish
Discover Point
Multiple sandy patches surrounded by corals, many turtles and sting rays.
Solar Point
In front of the Japanese Garden, similar flora and fauna.
Japanese Garden
wonderful dive spot with vast amount of corals, turtles, large fish, swarms of tunas, sand drop off into the deep blue.
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